Sunday 19 April 2015

"One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other" Jane Austen

I discovered this quote this morning when I was looking through my Oxford Dictionary of Quotes book (yep I'm a nerd!!).  And it made me think of how true this is.
This quote resonated with me so much.
We truly don't know what brings the other side of the world pleasure.  I remember a story told to me by a youth pastor once, and she said the preacher stood in a church of a very multicultural area, and he spoke of the "poor poor African children" only being able to have a hoop and a stick to play with, and the young African girl sitting next to the youth pastor leant over to her and said "obviously he hasn't played tyre and stick before".  She then later on went on to tell the Youth Pastor how exciting this game was as a kid.  They didn't have xbox's or ninetendos but they didn't care, they had a tyre and a stick.  That was the coolest game out.
So it makes me think, it is nothing more than our perception that says that these people are oppressed. It makes me question about what gives us as the Western Society the right to go into these countries and tell them that they way they are doing things are wrong? Especially when in our own country there are so many things we aren't getting right!
We have extreme poverty in Australia, we have homelessness, we have drug addiction, we have crime, we have child abuse we have so much that is wrong in this country, so why should be trying to "fix" another part of the world?
That doesn't mean that we should turn our backs when true atrocities happen.
But it reminds me of another story.  It was a tribe in South America.  And the missionaries went to this tribe, they introduced to them the lighter, however, previously the tribe would leave their fire going unless they were making love to their wife, it would get blown out, until the morning.  But introducing the lighter allowed the tribe to light their fires at any time.  So this meant that men suddenly realised that they could go to other women and have sex with them, but relight the fire, when they left, so no body knew.. Actually I think I have that story wrong, but it was something like that. Anyway the point was,  because of the Western culture's meddling a once faithful people now learnt how to be unfaithful.
Anywho that's my fambling for today ha ha.

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